
栏目:公司动态 发布时间:2020-12-22
普睿司曼集团多媒体事业部展示了其新的S1NGLE产品组合。该系列线缆包含了高性能的针对不同工业和楼宇IoT使用环境的单对以太网线:适用于10BaseT1 (10 Mbps)传输协议的S1NGLE线缆,以及用于 100BaseT1 (100 Mbps) 和1000BaseT1 (1 Gpbs)传输协议的S1NGLE PLUS线缆。

BU Multimedia Solutions (MMS) presents its new Draka S1NGLE portfolio. The cable series comprises high-performance Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) cables for industrial and building IoT environments in various designs: DRAKA S1NGLE cables for fixed installations and connecting cables suitable for 10BaseT1 (10 Mbps) channels, and S1NGLE PLUS cables with 600 MHz bandwidth for 100BaseT1 (100 Mbps) and 1000BaseT1 (1 Gpbs) in compliance with IEC 61156-11, -13 and -14 standards. Draka SPE cables support PoDL (Power over Data Line) classes 6/8, 10/15 and 10/13 with up to 30 Watts. The SPE copper cable therefore transmits data and power together within the pairs. The maximum link lengths between the active components vary between 15 and 1000 m, according to the S1NGLE model chosen and PSE equipment used.



The trend in industry and buildings is towards universal digitalization and networking. Smart factories and buildings can be realized more easily and cost-effectively through the Internet of Things (IoT). The use of Single Pair Ethernet creates the basis for barrier-free networking of various components and devices. In order to enable the fast, wide-spread and secure implementation of IoT in industry and buildings, with the worldwide recognized excellence level, MMS has developed high-performance SPE “Draka S1NGLE” cable series, as partner of the SPE System Alliance.

"For factories, we need to fuse and simplify different solutions,” says Bruno Escher, Global Product Manager for ICS - Industrial Cables and Specials at MMS of the Prysmian Group. SPE offers end-to-end IP communication from the field to the enterprise level, and thus from the sensor to the cloud. The IP protocol is used to network sensors, cameras, reading and identification devices or machine controllers via the local infrastructure across all levels. This is key for Industry 4.0 and new applications on factory processes. Application-specific fieldbus systems are no longer necessary, and thus gateways, complex interfaces and different protocols are also eliminated. Nevertheless, some S1NGLE models provide a retro compatibility with legacy BUS cabling technologies. This is a perfect bridge to those who wants to be future-proof while in transition.


"Building IoT integrates parallel building systems, for example for heating, lighting or blinds, via structured ceiling cabling. With so-called ‘Digital Ceiling’, intelligent building automation via IP can be seamlessly combined," says Bruno Escher. "This simplifies installation, maintenance and network management, creating infrastructure for a real Smart Building environment.”

Bruno Escher
Global Product Manager for ICS - Industrial Cables and Specials at MMS of the Prysmian Group


MMS provides the following cable models for Industrial IoT (IIot) and Building IoT (BIoT):
Draka S1NGLE for 10Mbps communication, and Draka S1NGLE PLUS for higher speeds (100 and 1000Mbps). And the S1NGLE 15m as Work Area pathcable.

Draka S1NGLE 15SPE for 10 Mbps up to 20 MHz bandwidth and 100 Mbps/1 Gbps up to 600 MHz bandwidth; max. link length: 15 m; AWG: 26/7, PoDL 9/15
Draka S1NGLE PLUSSPE for 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps up to 600 MHz bandwidth – also suitable for 10Mpbs applications; max. link length: 40 m; AWG 22/7 or 23/1; PoDL 6/8
Draka S1NGLE 400SPE for 10 Mbps up to 20 MHz bandwidth; max. link length: 400 m; AWG 22/7; PoDL 10/13


Draka S1NGLE 1000SPE for 10 Mbps up to 20 MHz bandwidth; max. link length: 1000 m; AWG 18/1 or 23/1; PoDL 10/13; suitable for RS485-applications according to ISO 61158-2


All IIoT cables are available with PVC or PUR jacket for good mechanical and oil resistance. BIoT cables have an LSHF-FR jacket for maximum fire safety.


"The different environmental conditions in industry and buildings place very special demands on the mechanical, chemical, thermal, fire and electromagnetic resistance of SPE cables," says Bruno Escher. "The Draka S1NGLE cable series safely and reliably meets these requirements. With our cables, we guarantee our customers economical, future-proof and universal networking - from building services engineering to sensor technology in the field".